Here at Hill View Junior Academy, we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our children. We expect all staff, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment. If you have any concerns that a child has been harmed, is at risk of harm, or you receive a disclosure, please contact the main office as quickly as possible and/or ask to speak to a member of our Safeguarding Team below:
Mrs H Sutton Head Teacher Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Mrs J Speck Lower Phase Leader Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs J Graham Deputy Head Teacher Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr B Turnbull Assistant Head Teacher Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr S Little Chair of Governors Safeguarding Governor
Mrs C Smith Chief Executive Officer Safeguarding Director
Any safeguarding concerns must be reported direct to one our safeguarding team above by either contacting 0191 5947982 and asking to speak to a member of the team or emailing the Head Teacher, Mrs Sutton directly at
At Hill View Junior Academy we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our pupils, and as such expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
The protection of our pupils is our paramount concern and is the responsibility of all staff within our school.
The local authority and the Sunderland Safeguarding Board Procedures (SSCB) have clearly defined guidelines that are adhered to by the school.
Our Safeguarding Team receive termly training from Safeguarding First. This is to ensure that the Safeguarding Team have the most current guidance at both local and national level.
Our Child Protection Policy can be found under the Policies page of the Key Information section
Please see further information about our safeguarding procedures as an academy trust here
What is Operation Encompass?
The purpose of Operation Encompass is to safeguard and support children and young people who have been involved in a domestic abuse incident. Following an incident at home, children will often arrive at school distressed, upset and unprepared for the day.
Sunderland City Council, Northumbria Police and nominated Key Adults in school will be working together to make sure that school staff are made aware of an incident early enough to support pupils in school.
Why is Operation Encompass being introduced in Sunderland?
Operation Encompass was initially launched in Plymouth in February 2011 to address a shortcoming in the early sharing of information with schools. Since then several pilots have been set up across the UK, including the North East, and has proved to very successful in providing appropriate support in a timely manner. Pilots across the UK have reported positive outcomes for many children and young people.
Sunderland City Council, Northumbria Police and all schools in the city are taking part in the scheme, to help provide additional new support which will benefit children and young people in Sunderland and improve multi-agency sharing of information.
How it works?
Schools across Sunderland nominate two members of staff who will be known as Key Adults. All Key Adults have attended specific training to the role in preparation for Operation Encompass.
Each morning a police officer will review all domestic abuse incidents that occur outside of school but which might have had an impact on a child attending school the following day. Where children were present, witnessed or involved in a domestic abuse incident and aged between 4 and 16 years old, the officer will send this information to the Council’s Initial Contact and Referral Team who will then send this information in a secure format to the named Key Adult in the child’s school. The Key Adult will check their emails every day and the staff in contact with those pupils will then be in an informed position to support them in a way that is right for the child.
This information will be shared on school days during school term and, when incidents occur on a Friday, Saturday, Sunday or over a holiday period, the police will contact the Council the following Monday.
Operation Encompass launched in Sunderland in Spring 2017. For more information about Operation Encompass, please contact your school or visit
Who are the Key Adults at Hill View Junior Academy?
The Key Adults at Hill View Junior Academy are Mrs H Sutton and Mrs R Bell.
Additional Information
If you would like any further information about Safeguarding in the Sunderland authority and how young people are supported then please follow this link to the Sunderland Safeguarding Children's Partnership
Useful Documents
Here at Hill View Junior Academy, we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all our families, including parents and carers. We will share any relevant information here that we think can support adults in the school community
Information about Findaway from Wearside Women In Need:
For 40 years WWIN have supported the local community through our specialist domestic abuse services. Now – through Findaway - we hope to reach those impacted earlier, before the abuse escalates, by supporting those around them.
Findaway is a new project that recognises that families, friends, and community members – are usually the first to know, and best placed to support, if someone they know is in an abusive relationship. This is a Sunderland based project supporting people across Sunderland and the surrounding area: Wearside, Tyneside & Northumberland
This project is for anyone over the age of 16 who is worried about someone else’s relationship, or that someone they know is being controlled, scared, or hurt by their partner, ex-partner, or family member. Our Findaway Phoneline, community training, workshops and peer support groups are facilitated by trained advocates. Our mission is to equip the community with the knowledge and skills they need to effectively support the people they care about.
For further information contact: Emma Duffy, Findaway Development Officer , WWIN: Specialist Domestic Abuse Service , 28 Bridge House, Sunderland SR1 1TE
Tel: 07719928455
Findaway Phoneline: 0300 140 0061
Here at Hill View Junior Academy, we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our children. We expect all staff, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment. If you have any concerns that a child has been harmed, is at risk of harm, or you receive a disclosure, please contact the main office as quickly as possible and/or ask to speak to a member of our Safeguarding Team below:
Mrs H Sutton Head Teacher Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Mrs J Speck Lower Phase Leader Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs J Graham Deputy Head Teacher Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr B Turnbull Assistant Head Teacher Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr S Little Chair of Governors Safeguarding Governor
Mrs C Smith Chief Executive Officer Safeguarding Director
Any safeguarding concerns must be reported direct to one our safeguarding team above by either contacting 0191 5947982 and asking to speak to a member of the team or emailing the Head Teacher, Mrs Sutton directly at
At Hill View Junior Academy we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our pupils, and as such expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
The protection of our pupils is our paramount concern and is the responsibility of all staff within our school.
The local authority and the Sunderland Safeguarding Board Procedures (SSCB) have clearly defined guidelines that are adhered to by the school.
Our Safeguarding Team receive termly training from Safeguarding First. This is to ensure that the Safeguarding Team have the most current guidance at both local and national level.
Our Child Protection Policy can be found under the Policies page of the Key Information section
Please see further information about our safeguarding procedures as an academy trust here
What is Operation Encompass?
The purpose of Operation Encompass is to safeguard and support children and young people who have been involved in a domestic abuse incident. Following an incident at home, children will often arrive at school distressed, upset and unprepared for the day.
Sunderland City Council, Northumbria Police and nominated Key Adults in school will be working together to make sure that school staff are made aware of an incident early enough to support pupils in school.
Why is Operation Encompass being introduced in Sunderland?
Operation Encompass was initially launched in Plymouth in February 2011 to address a shortcoming in the early sharing of information with schools. Since then several pilots have been set up across the UK, including the North East, and has proved to very successful in providing appropriate support in a timely manner. Pilots across the UK have reported positive outcomes for many children and young people.
Sunderland City Council, Northumbria Police and all schools in the city are taking part in the scheme, to help provide additional new support which will benefit children and young people in Sunderland and improve multi-agency sharing of information.
How it works?
Schools across Sunderland nominate two members of staff who will be known as Key Adults. All Key Adults have attended specific training to the role in preparation for Operation Encompass.
Each morning a police officer will review all domestic abuse incidents that occur outside of school but which might have had an impact on a child attending school the following day. Where children were present, witnessed or involved in a domestic abuse incident and aged between 4 and 16 years old, the officer will send this information to the Council’s Initial Contact and Referral Team who will then send this information in a secure format to the named Key Adult in the child’s school. The Key Adult will check their emails every day and the staff in contact with those pupils will then be in an informed position to support them in a way that is right for the child.
This information will be shared on school days during school term and, when incidents occur on a Friday, Saturday, Sunday or over a holiday period, the police will contact the Council the following Monday.
Operation Encompass launched in Sunderland in Spring 2017. For more information about Operation Encompass, please contact your school or visit
Who are the Key Adults at Hill View Junior Academy?
The Key Adults at Hill View Junior Academy are Mrs H Sutton and Mrs R Bell.
Additional Information
If you would like any further information about Safeguarding in the Sunderland authority and how young people are supported then please follow this link to the Sunderland Safeguarding Children's Partnership
Useful Documents
Here at Hill View Junior Academy, we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all our families, including parents and carers. We will share any relevant information here that we think can support adults in the school community
Information about Findaway from Wearside Women In Need:
For 40 years WWIN have supported the local community through our specialist domestic abuse services. Now – through Findaway - we hope to reach those impacted earlier, before the abuse escalates, by supporting those around them.
Findaway is a new project that recognises that families, friends, and community members – are usually the first to know, and best placed to support, if someone they know is in an abusive relationship. This is a Sunderland based project supporting people across Sunderland and the surrounding area: Wearside, Tyneside & Northumberland
This project is for anyone over the age of 16 who is worried about someone else’s relationship, or that someone they know is being controlled, scared, or hurt by their partner, ex-partner, or family member. Our Findaway Phoneline, community training, workshops and peer support groups are facilitated by trained advocates. Our mission is to equip the community with the knowledge and skills they need to effectively support the people they care about.
For further information contact: Emma Duffy, Findaway Development Officer , WWIN: Specialist Domestic Abuse Service , 28 Bridge House, Sunderland SR1 1TE
Tel: 07719928455
Findaway Phoneline: 0300 140 0061